A Best-Selling
Book by
Thomas D. LaBaugh MBA, Ph.D.
This Book is Different
Like you, in my first job, I was told to “manage.” I guessed about how to treat people. I was fired. An MBA and a Ph.D. were little help. I still had trouble “managing” people. Why?
When fired, my employer provided a service to help me find a new job. I learned about career counseling, coaching, resume writing, and job search. Soon I opened my own firm, lasting 25 years, helping fired clients, of all levels and ages, find new jobs. My research found that 45% lost jobs because of bad behavior. These men and women, many with MBAs, were CEOs, lawyers, engineers, computer techs, CFOs, Admins., doctors, and line supervisors.
I taught a graduate-level class and defined marketing as “meeting needs”; meet customer needs and succeed. I thought that maybe knowing and meeting employee needs would help me succeed as a manager. Gallup’s research on a million employees, shared in this book, proved that managers who met employee needs became successful supervisors of employees who yielded higher profits, productivity, customer service, and retention.
To meet employee needs, required development of Acronyms, Axioms, and Navigators. Through analysis, reading, and trial and error, my clients succeeded in supervising. These “tools,” or word associations, had such positive impacts that managers began calling me before firing people to see if we could change employee behavior. 100% of our clients, about to be fired for bad behavior, kept their jobs. Clients also reported that our concepts improved rapport with family and friends. Those concepts, that helped change bad manager behavior, and save careers, are in this book.
This unique book uses sound research and client experience. It offers easy-to-learn and apply “tools” as guides. Yes, you still need management and leadership concepts, but success requires knowing and meeting employee needs and becoming a “Catalyst.” It helped 50 clients become successful supervisors “with new ways to work better with people,” as a psychologist client said.
Mastering just one Acronym, C.O.A.C.H.I.N.G., or one Axiom, “People support what they help create,” or one Navigator, “Getting and Keeping a Job,” will improve your performance.
I now have the answers to why I failed as a manager. Dozens of our clients have them too and referred to them as, “The Secrets to Success.” Try it and see the Powerful Impact you can make.